Quality Management and Occupational-Safety Management
Reliable quality management along with systematic occupational and health protection management which includes technical, organisational and personnel aspects reflects our duty of care as GEO-METRIK AG.
It also ensures through qualified and motivated staff a guaranteed fulfilment of the legal and official requirements regarding occupational-safety and health protection that translates into satisfied customers in the long run.
This in turn is ensured by a certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and a company-wide process-oriented quality management as well as by the certification according to ISO 45001:2018 which removes safety hazards and ensures the productivity of our staff.
The GEO-METRIK AG companies have joined together in a certifying group that is being looked after by the TÜV Thüringen.
Microsoft Software Asset Management
For us professional software licensing is a must.
Data protection, data integrity and correctly licensed software assets are of paramount importance to the companies in GEO-METRIK.
This is guaranteed by the successful completion each year of a software asset management (SAM) project followed by the issue of a SAM certificate.
In this way we ensure that all the statutory requirements relating to software licensing are fully complied with.